God speaks to us even when we feel like s***
Yesterday, for the umpteenth time.... my flight (KL-JB) was delayed for 2 BLOODY hours! What the **** man, MAS! Konon claim to be "World's Best Airport" pulak (see the lower right hand corner of the below pic)...... in blowing horn, I guess:

It's not like the first time my flight's been delayed in the past 2 months. First time, still ok. I never complained, even though it was 3 bloody hours delayed (KL-Singapore). Second time, still boleh tahan, never complained, even though it was the next day's flight after the previous 3-hours delay. Consecutive delays. I thought MAS was picking on me as I helplessly watch all the passengers for TWO SIA flights, supposed to be flying after my flight, wave goodbye to me, and I am still waiting, and waiting.
In baseball, 3 strikes, and you are OUT, and yup, yesterday was the 3rd time. What the hell is happening to MAS? I took MAS since many years ago, many times in the past 3 years in Wyeth, but only this year, starting June, things started to ROT badly. And just when I thought I was the only one affected, some of my colleagues fared worse... a colleague of mine supposed to fly at 10pm from KK to KL was delayed almost 8 hours, and only flew in to KL around 5 am! Can you believe this kind of ****? Sigh... and this year, is supposed to be VISIT MALAYSIA YEAR 2007... HELLO!!!!!!!!! MAS!!!!!! Wake up and buck up! Giving all this bloody bad image to tourists from other countries.
Delayed nevermind, but never even give any sort of compensation also. What lah... damn pathetic.
Anyways and anyways, just want to thank God for the stupid delay. Isn't it a bit uncanny when God usually reveals things to us when we are not very receptive?
Well, I decided to drop by the bookstore near the domestic departure gates to buy some books. I bought 3 - John Grisham's "The Innocent Man", and two other non-fiction - "The Millionaire Next Door" and "Time Management" (MAS management should read this man... what idiots!).
I started reading "The Millionaire Next Door" and wow..... I received so many amazing revelations. I mean, yup, I am on the way to be a millionaire (God's vision), but I had many wrong impressions about what a real millionaire is. This book is very down-to-earth as the 2 authors spent more than 20 years researching, interviewing and observing the so-called "rich and wealthy" millionaires in US, and the true but unknown & unnoticed millionaires.
For example, many people think that a typical American millionaire will wear a $5000 watch (around RM17.5K), like Tag's Carrera, and drive the latest model, imported, luxury car, like Bugatti Veyron 16.4. You know what? From the survey, the majority of the millionaires in US never spent even one-tenth of $5000 for a watch, and most millionaires are not driving the latest model. Only a minority drive a foreign car. And an even smaller minority drive foreign luxury cars. Unbelievable huh? I mean, there are of course minorities, like the case of Dato' Michael Yam, but look at the majority..... I was deeply puzzled and straight away knew that this is going to be a great book, and will help me greatly to achieve God's vision for me.
Next time, if I have time, I will share about the Portrait (common characteristics) of a Millionaire.
But I totally agree with one statement in the "Introduction" section:
"Wealth is not the same as income. If you make a good income each year and spend it all, you are not getting wealthier. You are just living high. Wealth is what you accumulate, not what you spend."
Yup, I totally agree. I mean, I used to post something like this previously, about what is the necessity to "UPGRADE" your car, your mobile phone, your clothings, your computer, laptops, what-not gadjets, when your current materials are still FUNCTIONAL and working well????? And frequently going for vacations, shopping sprees, "body-pampering-treatments", etc. when you have little or no form of investments, appreciable assets, income-producing assets, common stocks (shares), bonds (& mutual funds), private businesses, oil/gas rights or land.
Think about this: if you stop working now PERMANENTLY, how many years, or should I say more correctly, how many MONTHS can you survive with the "savings" that you have currently, not depending on your PARENTS' MONEY, of course??? True millionaires, if they stop working permanently, their accumulated wealth could last them at least 10 or more years. That's what I would like to achieve. Stop working permanently, and still can live and survive for a long time, AND also continue funding the Kingdom of God, without worrying about where to get money for food, for paying this loan and that loan, and this loan and that loan... you get my point.
Thank You Jesus for this great revelation! Have a great weekend friends and I'll leave you with this 7 common denominators of a true millionaire. Gotta go prepare for my talk later :) CIAO!
1. Millionaires live well below their means.
2. They allocate their time, energy, and money EFFICIENTLY, in ways CONDUCIVE to building wealth.
3. They believe that financial independence is more important than displaying high social status.
4. Their parents did not provide economic outpatient care (meaning they didn't receive help from their parents - inheritance, etc...). In fact, 80% of America's millionaires are 1st generation millionaires!!!
5. Their adult children are economically self-sufficient.
6. They are proficient in targeting market opportunities.
7. They chose the right job.